The Rise of the Unconquered Sun

There is no evidence of any kind regarding the date of Jesus’ birth. His nativity began to be celebrated on December 25 in Rome during the early part of the fourth century (AD 336) as a Christian counterpart to a pagan festival, popular among the worshipers of Mithras, called Sol Invictus, the Unconquered Sun. At the very moment when the days are the shortest and darkness seems to have conquered light, the sun passes its nadir. Days grow longer, and although the cold will only increase for quite a long time, the ultimate conquest of winter is sure.

This astronomical process is a parable of the career of Jesus. At the moment when history is blackest, and in the least expected and obvious place, the Son of God is born.

You can let the light in by inviting God’s Son, Jesus, into your life:

Dear Jesus, I believe that You love me. I know I need Your presence in my life, and I open my heart and ask You to come in. Amen.

Image (adapted) © TFI. Background by rawpixel via Freepik. Text courtesy of Activated magazine.

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